Owner Registration

Owners can create an account to view more details on their property assessment. Please find your Account Number and Owner/Party ID on your tax notice. If you are having trouble finding it, please call the Assessment & Taxation Department at 780-743-7000, or email assessment.taxation@rmwb.ca.


Account Number:
Owner ID/Party ID:
Email Address:

Note: If you have more than one Account you can add additional Accounts
once you login under "Manage Account".

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: your personal information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of Alberta's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. It will be used to contact you to obtain clarity about your request or provide you updates or answers. If you have questions about the collection and use of your personal information you may contact the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, 9909 Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada T9H 2K4 Toll Free: 1-800-973-9663.